Monday, August 31, 2015

Bill the Builder

There's something really satisfying about building something that people will enjoy for years, something beautiful, something that just works. Bill gets to do this everyday on the job, and I got to see the process up close and personal as he skillfully rebuilt the back deck of the rental unit. 

The deck was in rough shape, but it had a lot of potential! (Seems to be a common theme around here at The Nest). Not to mention it was terribly unsafe, with rotted support beams and missing railings. So it was top priority since the tenants are moving in this week. I had no idea how much detail goes into building a deck! First Bill surveyed the situation. He called out unfamiliar words and numbers, like "4 PT four by fours" (that means four beams made from long lasting pressure treated wood) and I jotted down our stock list. Then we were off to Home Depot to gather the materials. 

Bill got to work the next day. Tearing out bug eaten beams and rotted peeling decking boards. He had to build strong supports for the stairs and platform, bring the railings up to code, and replace all the decking boards with brand new wood. It took a few days and I got to listen to him sing along to classic rock on the radio the whole time. Private concert anyone? By the time he was done the deck was super strong and sturdy and looked gorgeous! It needs a paint job but it's come a long way.  We hope the tenants love it!

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