Tony arrived first. Then Bill and I showed up and introduced ourselves. When Todd arrived we were ready to start. The group of us snaked through the house, Tony with his flashlight, me with a notebook. We went bottom to top peering into every crack and crevice, poking at the walls, noteing ungrounded electrical outlets and broken railings. This will be a LOT of work. But Bill knows all about the renovations and updates Tony described. I'm grateful to have him by my side in this process!!
So next we wait for the inspection report, expected to be sent to me in a day or two. Then Todd and I will tak again in preparation for a second round of negotiations. We have an opportunity to ask the seller to reduce the price or make some repairs before the sale. This would come in the form of cash back at closing. Since there is quite a bit to be done, I'm hoping for at least a little budge on the price!
We also learned about a number of programs that could help with cost of repairs. For example, in Massachusetts there is a push for making homes more energy efficient, and we will have access to free service on things like weather stripping doors and maybe replacing windows.
So, one more step complete. It's very exciting! Although there is a lot to be done before the sale is secure. And even more to do before the home is all dressed up and updated (not to mention safely up to code!), standing in the corridors and running my hand along the banisters was a truly special feeling.
Bill had a client once tell him "this house has been here before I was born and it will be here after I'm gone. I consider myself a steward of this house." I get it. Standing in the basement, looking up her skirt, I got the sense of this building as a living breathing being. She has a life of her own, and I'm thrilled to join paths with her at this moment in time.
Deep, humble breaths.
Looking forward to learning more and moving forward!
Just be absolutely sure you have the right professionals who do the electrical work. About five years ago, when my wife and I renovated our house, we had several work crews do various things. Most of them did pretty good work. However, the first team ended up doing shoddy work and forcing us to do research and get a good company.