Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunshine Windows!

The blog has been quiet for the past few months, but make no mistake, that does not mean that the work has slowed down at The Nest. We just haven't actually FINISHED anything recently! But that's all about to change. Stay tuned for a few BIG projects that we are finally wrapping up in the next few weeks. (Thank goodness!)

The Nest is outfitted with a total of 33 windows in the living spaces. All single pane glass, wood frames, weighted system, and 100 years old! Fighting them open or closed was always a commitment. And it was immediately clear that they didn't do a very good job of keeping the inside in, and the outside out. Many of them were missing screens or storms or even whole panes of glass. I was gung ho to replace them all right off the bat, so I had four different Replacement Window Contractors give me bids.... when I saw the price tag I realized it would have to wait a bit. 

I was SO CLOSE to going ahead with the project despite the cost. I had even signed an agreement with Next Step Living, a MassSave contractor, to do the job. Something fell through with my HEAT loan application though and looking back it was a blessing in disguise. Next Step Living has since gone under and I'm currently in a legal situation with the MassSave program to recoup my losses associated with a different project. No bueno!

look out below!
So we had to weather the winter with the vintage windows. Bill was able to replace the missing panes of glass. And, you might remember from #NewWindows2016, my mom and I caulked all the them shut when we started to feel the North Wind make herself at home in our living room. Between the caulking and plastic seals, we made it through the winter. There were still a few exciting moments though, like the day I went to work on a Sunday and got a text from Bill saying that one of the storm windows blew right off the house and landed in the EXACT spot where my car would have been parked if I was home. Close call!

Bill dug up one of his old contacts: Sunshine Window Company out of Reading. They gave us the best quote by tens of thousands of dollars. Bill had worked with them 10 years ago and we were happy they were still in business (always a good sign!) We researched the product they used and felt good about it. Finally, almost a year after starting to research the window project, I was ready to go for it. But only for one unit. The tenants have to come first. 

So, last Saturday, Feng and Sing (father and son) showed up with a pickup truck full of vinyl replacement windows. The got to work right away, pulling out the old windows and installing the crystal clear new ones. They made it look so easy! We had fun chatting with them, even though Feng's accent made it a bit challenging to understand. They guy clearly knows his stuff. By 5pm they were wrapping up to go home. 

And WOW, the windows look gorgeous! Crystal clear and so easy to operate. The tenants get to enjoy them now, and I am REALLY looking forward to when I can save enough to spring for ours.

But like any Nest story, this one is not without a final comical twist or turn. Less than one week after the windows went in, Bill heard a knock on the door. It was the tenants. They noticed a tear in one of the screens in their kitchen and food was strewn about the room. A squirrel had noticed a loaf of bread on the table and ripped its way through our brand new screen!! The squirrel eventually escaped the house and apparently re-screening a screen is not a huge deal. But come on! As if running across the roof sounding like they are wearing stilettos isn't enough!